Posted On: Sunday, 13 June 2021 by Rajiv Popat

The Indian government recently rolled out an excellently made website for scheduling vaccines for all Indians. However a lot of private hospitals are following irregular or different times during which they open slots and because of the demand of vaccines the slots often fill up literally in seconds of opening up.

Today if you are looking for slots manually you are at a huge disadvantage compared to folks who might have automated the process.

Here is a quick python script we wrote to continuously poll co-win servers every x seconds and play a music file on your disk as soon as a slot meeting the criteria is found.


I know a lot of bots are available in telegram but most of them are closed source and by the time they notify you, it’s often already too late. This is open source, free, can run on your laptop / desktop (anything that runs python and play sound files, like a raspberry pi, technically should be able to run this), can be configured to run on parameters you like and can notify you instantly by playing music of your choice.

The Github URL contains the script source, Installation Instructions and documentation on all the variables you can customize.

Hope this makes tracking and scheduling vaccines that much easier.

Genuine thanks to the Indian government and Co-win team for keeping the API’s not just open, but easy to understand and really clean so that writing scripts like this one becomes possible.

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