Posted On: Saturday, 08 January 2011 by Rajiv Popat

When it comes to personal life and parenting, making someone you truly love wait, to teach him or her ability to delay gratification and self discipline, can be a good thing.

When it comes to business however, how long you make me wait has a inverse correlation to how much you care about me.

Please wait, our customer care executive will attend you shortly, is translated as: we have more customers than we can possibly care about and you are just one of them so talk to a machine instead.

When a restaurant makes you wait for a table or makes you wait after taking your order it sends a similar message. We have more customers than we can handle so wait in queue and stop bothering us.

When your website makes your visitors wait, its even worse.

We know its hard. We know sometimes the message isn't intended but we are all busy and if you make us wait, we are just going to assume you don't care and go somewhere else.

The best you can do is speed things up for us. Hire more trained executives like zappos does and have a human being answer the phone. Allow people to book a table in your restaurant over their mobile devices and give them a time to arrive at. Tune your website to work faster or buy more processing horse power. If financial constraints prevent any of those, the least you can do is explain it with true empathy, say sorry, mean it and work your ass out to fix it as soon as you can.

Relationships are a two way street and treating your customers like replaceable parts of your profit making machine is stupid.

Please don't make me wait, because I won't anyway. If you do I might but only as long as I can find a different option.

I am just saying.

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